Our brief for this project was to develop a boxed set of 5 books retracing the history of VALENTINY hvp architects over 40 years.
Valentiny hvp architects
Editorial Design
Art & Cultural
5 books, 5 themes: Culture, Learning & Working, Living, Leisure & Sport, From Past to Present. Each volume tells, in 3 languages, the richly illustrated story of each building designed by the firm. The archive has been divided into 5 volumes, each told by one of the 5 partners, so we wanted to give each volume its own identity by giving it its own colour, which is used for the hot gold cover illustration, the endpapers, the binding and the treatment of the photographs. In all, there are 2150 pages of previously unpublished archive images in a crimson box. The book received a “Special Mention” at the German Design Prize 2022 and the “Design Prize” at the Lëtzebuerger Buchpräis 2021.
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